This Site is still under development. Some pages are not yet completed and products in the shop are not yet available for purchase.

Terms of Service

1. Subject matter and validity

These General Terms and Conditions (GTC) govern the conclusion, content and execution of contracts contracts for the use of services between us (Sitequest e.K., hereinafter referred to as "sitequest", "we", "our") and a customer.

2. Definitions of terms

(1) "Services": All products that can be purchased on our website.

(2) "Partners": All companies that contribute to the provision of our services.

3. Conclusion of a contract

(1) The following provisions on the conclusion of a contract apply to orders placed via our online store.

(2) If a contract is concluded, a contract is concluded with

Sitequest e.K.

Uhlandstraße 23

D-75223 Niefern-Öschelbronn

to come into existence

(3) The presentation of the goods in our online store does not constitute a legally binding contractual offer on our part, but is only a non-binding invitation to the consumer to order goods. By ordering the desired goods, the consumer submits a binding offer to conclude a purchase contract.

(4) Upon receipt of an order in our online store, the following provisions apply: The Kunder submits a binding contract offer by successfully completing the order procedure provided in our Internet store.

Before submitting the binding order, the customer can return to the website on which the customer's details are recorded and correct input errors or cancel the order process by closing the Internet browser by pressing the "Back" button contained in the Internet browser used by him or via the navigation options provided on the page after checking his details. We confirm receipt of the order immediately by means of an automatically generated e-mail ("order confirmation"). With this we accept your offer.

(5) Storage of the contract text for orders via our online store: We will send you the order data and our GTC by e-mail. You can also view the GTC at any time at /terms-of-service. For security reasons, your order data is no longer accessible via the Internet.

4. Prices, payment, due date

(1) The prices quoted include the statutory value added tax


(2) The customer has the option of paying by Paypal, credit card (Visa, Mastercart, American Express) and SEPA bank transfer.

(3) The services are generally only provided by us after receipt of payment.

5. Delivery/Provision

The ordered services are available immediately after receipt of payment in our dashboard (/dash).

6. Service description

(1) The services provided by us may not violate any applicable laws or copyrights. Furthermore, we do not tolerate the hosting (i.e. publication, provision, storage, etc.) of pornographic content. We reserve the right to remove the service if the above reasons are violated.

(2) For technical reasons, the IP address assigned to the customer may change at any time. There is no entitlement to the allocation or reservation of specific IP addresses.

(3) We reserve the right to restrict the functionality of the platform or to discontinue the use of the platform completely if this is necessary to comply with legal requirements. We will inform customers of this in good time in advance.

(4) The inclusive traffic included in services is to be treated as "fair use". The standard "fair use" limit is 1 TB (terabyte) per month.

7. Security regulations

(1) Each user undertakes not to jeopardize the security of the site, in particular by:

(2) Violations of these security rules may result in civil and/or criminal penalties. Sitequest will investigate security breaches and, if necessary, prosecute them with the help of law enforcement authorities and enforce civil claims.

8. Warranty

(1) With the help of our partners, we provide databases and technical equipment that meet the current technical standard. We endeavor to ensure maximum availability of the platform, but there may be temporary restrictions due to problems beyond sitequest's control (e.g. force majeure, third-party errors) or maintenance work. We assume no responsibility for the constant availability or accessibility of the platform and are not liable for downtime due to necessary maintenance work

(2) If a registration is deleted, modified or blocked due to termination or violation of the Terms of Use, there is no right to transfer the content and communication data associated with the registration that was stored in the associated services

9. Liability and obligations of the user

(1) It is the customer's responsibility to ensure that no illegal, right-wing extremist, obscene, threatening, offensive, defamatory or violence-glorifying content is stored, transmitted or otherwise made publicly accessible on the products rented by the customer. This also includes content that publishes private information about individuals without their consent, content that infringes copyrights, trademarks or other intellectual property rights, and content that incites others to commit criminal acts or violates local, national or international laws.

(2) The customer is responsible for backing up their own data. The backup services offered by Sitequest are free of charge and Sitequest is not liable for damages in the event of data loss. Should a loss of data occur


(3) If the customer has access to an area of the platform that is not accessible to the public or a limited group of people (e.g. beta program), he undertakes to maintain confidentiality. The customer is not permitted to publish photos, videos or other media without the consent of Sitequest. These terms of use also apply to products in the beta program.

10. provision of services

(1) With the provision of the selected hosting services in our dashboard (/dash), our service is provided in full. The right of revocation hereby expires.

(2) We reserve the right to deactivate or completely remove the product to protect our infrastructure without prior notice if our technical resources are overloaded, in particular if the network, processors and RAM are overloaded.

(3) Customer support is available to customers free of charge, with certain exceptions. We do not provide specific administrative assistance, but our customer support will assist the customer to the best of its ability in accordance with the given possibilities. There is no guarantee of this. We are also entitled, after consultation with the customer, to offer chargeable services.

(4) The product is normally activated automatically immediately after the order is placed. In some special cases, such as domains, there may be delays in provision due to validation processes or third-party checks, which may last indefinitely.

(5) The domain booking is valid for at least one year. If it is not canceled before the end of the agreed term, the domain will be automatically and irrevocably deleted. Sitequest reserves the right to remove inactive domains.

(6) Sitequest transfers the customer's registration request to the responsible registration authority (NIC). The customer bears full responsibility for the legality, completeness and accuracy of his request and the information contained therein. Sitequest does not normally carry out any checks, not even for plausibility. Sitequest has no influence on the registration and is not liable for its success. The customer can only assume that the desired domain has been successfully registered if he is entered as the owner in the corresponding NIC. It is the customer's responsibility to inform themselves about the allocation rules and terms and conditions of the NIC for the respective domain and to agree to them.

11. Availability

Our servers are normally available around the clock, 7 days a week. However, no guarantee is given for uninterrupted availability of data. Sitequest is not liable for loss of data, interrupted data transmissions or other problems due to technical failures.

12. Changes to the General Terms and Conditions

We and our partners reserve the right to change the content of these General Terms and Conditions with the customer's consent, provided that the changes are reasonable for the customer and take into account the interests of Sitequest. Changes are deemed to have been approved if the customer does not object to the change within four weeks of notification of the change. Sitequest undertakes to draw the customer's attention to the consequences of failing to object in the notification of change. Sitequest reserves the right to withdraw the customer's use of the Internet portal, services etc. if the customer objects within this period.

As of 22.03.2023